Exercise To Eat

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BLT Bowl

A Salad for those who Hate Salad


 I got this tasty "non-salad" salad recipe from from thelonedoner.me


Lettuce (I used two romaine hearts)

1 large avocado

2 handfuls of cherry tomatoes

Half a cucumber

Handful of coriander (cilantro)

4 rashers of bacon

Half a handful of feta cheese


Cook your bacon until it’s crispy. While the bacon is cooking, chop everything else up into bite-sized squares. Throw it all in a bowl, followed by your bacon (chopped) when it’s done. Crumble feta over the top.


Pour 3-4 tablespoons of good olive oil into a cup. Add a 2-3 tsps of balsamic vinegar, a tsp of mustard, the juice of a small lemon and a good sprinkle of salt.

Drizzle over your salad.